Translate   12 years ago

You Know That Feeling.. When you look at someone, and their face is absolutely flawless, they make you smile and they make you laugh they make you the best person you could be. You've never been happier and you've never felt so safe. You know that feeling when you're with them and you feel like you're capable of anything with them, you know they have flaws, you know they do, but to you even their flaws grow on you, you learn to love the flaws, you'll soon learn to love them. You know that feeling when there's nothing you've ever wanted but them, if you were asked for three wishes, yeah people would want to be a millionaire with a fancy car and unlimited wardrobe and credit card, but in one of those wishes you'd think of a person, something to do with love, wanting them to love you, or kiss you or make you happy, but that feeling when those wishes you could achieve mean nothing and you think that with that person you feel absolutely fulfilled. That feeling when even someone can hate you and tell you that you're not beautiful and maybe you'd believe it, but 70% of that feeling is ringing in your ear with their voice of them telling you, that you are beautiful, and you mean the world to them. You know that feeling when you think you're in love..

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