Traduzir   12 anos atrás

Crave 6# "A friend of mine works at a rehabilitation centre. We could go to his place first," I tell Zara, as if I was planning my cure. She nodded yes, convinced that I was actually listening to her advice. We walk outside, shocked by the cool air that the rain left. There were filthy puddles everywhere, some were the water supply of the homeless. I walked to the car- the car I killed Butcher in. Butcher Simon, I owed him big money. He drove past 'the shed' everyday, as a reminder for me. One day, while I was walking down the street, he was about to hit me with the front of his car; he had had enough. I was armed- like always, and there was no one to watch, so I killed him. I walk to his red and white minivan and pushed his body to the trunk. "Oh my god! He's been killed, we have to call the police!" Zara exclaimed. "Oh shut up. We live in Cutters for God sakes.. There are dead bodies everywhere." I didn't tell her that I killed the man. I didn't need to scare her even more. I had to save that for later. We drove to 'my friends' house, well, at least she thought we were. We were actually going to a place that was very hurtful for her, the place our family lives. Home sweet home, here I come.

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