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Untitled(4) Chapter IV - An Unexpected Visitor I was awoken at 6AM to the sound of my phone ringing, "hello" I answerd, "Dispatch; threre is a murder scene on the corner of 8th and Main, Appartment block 2593, Appartment 22B relevent to your case, dispatch out" A voice said. I knew that it was another victim, an appartment block this time. When I arrived, there was a large crowed, the were reporters and locals everywhere but I couldn't see Turner anywhere. "Detective; Betty Newman, Evening Edition, is this woman’s death connected to the murder at the Riverside Hotel on Friday night?" She asked. "No comment at this time lady" I responded. I arrived on the 5th floor, there were more cops than usual, taking statements and looking for whitnesses. "JACK! Where the hell have you been!" yealled the Leutenant. Leutenant Danton was a serious man, with army style grey hair, a beard and a vicious tounge. "Shits hit the pan Jack and the Cheif is gonna eat me for breakfast. On top of that someones been talking to the press and now the city knows we have a cerial killer on the loose and where have you been..?." he exclaimed. "Iv'e been following leads I replied. "Ball shit Jack, you've been following dick, cavorting with the likes if Tommy Silva, you were said to have been at his club last night and was in his office til’ you left... at 20AM. I'm going to report to the Cheif, do you think you can handle this?" He went on, in a spitting and swearing rage. "Yes sir..." I replied. "You better, or it's both our asses!" he shouted and then left. I examined the scene and it was just the same, chillingly. "Morning Jack, victim is a one June Simpson. This is her appartment, same again, all her organs removed and scrtered around the room, heart nowhere to be found. I have the reports from Violet Pemberton. She had no drugs in her system and most probably died after her stomach had been sliced open." the Coroner explained. "Detective, the officers have been looking for witnesses and information all night and morning, nobody heard a thing" Added the Captain. "Jack there seems to be lacerations around the mouth as though she was gagged, maybe that and given the time of the murder why nobody heard anything." After going over a few dead end wittiness reports and evidence, I found myself no closer to catching the man that did this. As I was about to leave to somehow figure out the missing ling, the Captain stopped me; “Jack I need to talk to you”. he said quietly ushering me into the apartments stairway. “What is it”. I asked.” The victim; June, she was one of Silva’s girls. I’m guessing that he would have got a private dance from her last night and offered her money for sex”. He said as he closed in towards me as if hiding his shame. “thanks, I won’t ask how you know that”. I said as i put on my hat walking down the corridor, “We can’t all be like you Jack” He exclaimed as I made my exit. When i got to my car I found the same reporter who stopped me on my way in. “Detective, is it true, is there really a cereal killer on the city streets?” She asked. I stood there looking at her as she waited for a reply, wearing a tight shirt and a long skirt. “Sure is, you better stay off the streets and lock your windows” I replied, as i walked past her and got in my car. “Is that an official statement” She cried as i drove off. I pulled up outside the priecent, there was reporters inside and concerned citizens, but i had no time to stop. there was a bottle of Malt Scotch waiting for me in my desk draw. When i reached the Hommicide office, it was empty. Thise two wise guys at the doors, I realised it was Silva. "Boss is waitin to see you Detective, it's not a good idea to keep him waiting" said the wise cracker, smirking an oafy grin. I walked in to find Silva Slouched back in my char with his feet up, my Malt Scotch opened and on the desk and a nice big finger of it in my glass. "Sit down Jack". He said, stairing at the glass, taking a sip. "I would but your in it!" I replied, swiping my bottle of the desk, pulling out the cork and taking a gulp, I was in no mood and Silva was the last person I wanted to have on my case. "Jack i'm goona be straight with you, your a good cop, you stick to the book but you don't cross guys like me so i've never had a problem with you. But that girl that this freak killed last night... was one of my girls Jack!" he said jumping out of the chair in a spitting rage. "Now, it seems I have a problem, this freak killed a girl that left my club the night she died, then one of my girls that makes me alotta' money and now i'm tied into this and my club. It's in the public eye and all it'll take is some filth reporter to open their mouth and i'm all over the paper! I have alotta' important people around me Jack that wouldn't wanna be associated with me and my employers are gonna be out of pocket..." he shouted a he paced back and forth, with a hint of desperation. "Now my money, my friends and my #life our in danger because of this sick fucking bastard. Now i wanna' know what you know and now so i can find this guy and get rid of him!" He requested as he came right up to my face. I walked around him and sat at my chair, tiping the glass empty on the floor and polishing it off with my over coat, he watched waiting as I poored a large one and sat back with my feet up. "Well then it looks like we're up the same shit creek..." I said as I took a sip and bared a stupid grin. "You mean to tell me you have nothing, you think you can just get rid of..." "Yeah yeah Silva, you want him dead and I want to book him, well I've got you, the paper and my Cheif breathing down my neck, so if you wanna kill me you better get in line. But until then, i'm gonna' follow every lead until I find the son of a bitch." I interupted. "Okay Jack, you can play good cop and go off and find him, but I want blood. Now when you find him, if you wanna' be able to walk to the store ever again, you better come to me first!" He said, walking out with his goons in toe. I sat there drinking my Scotch as I felt sorry for my self, trying to figure out how on earth I was gonna get outta this shit.

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