Scarborough Fair It was on the evening my fifteenth birthday that it happened. The month was November. The year, 1987. I was lying half-asleep by my window watching the moon. It was particularly cool that night. Quite to my liking but, it was a strange wind, like something foreign, and I thought I could make out the faint sound of a train. It was strange because trains haven't come through this town in years. You see, I lived in Salina, Oklahoma, a small town where nothing very interesting ever happened. Until that fall, many years ago. When I awoke the next morning, there was music in the air. Carnival music. I opened my wardrobe and picked out a pair of shorts and a Mötley Crüe t-shirt with flip flops. I walked out of my room to find my brother, Jacen, groveling at my parents' feet, waving a piece of paper and begging them to let him go. "Fine!" My mother said, "but only if your sister will take you." Immediately, my brother turned and looked at me with pleading eyes. I smiled "Alright." I said. Jacen jumped up with glee and ran to his room, throwing on some clothes suitable for being outdoors. He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. "Wait!" I yelled, "I have to get my wallet!" I go back to the door and my dad tosses it to me. "Thank you." I said, walking away. "Be careful!" My mother called. I nod and start walking up the hill with my brother. "Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" He yelled, "thank you so much Grace!" I laughed and nodded. "You're welcome." He lead me up to the schools. "Where are we going?" I asked, confused, "aren't the carnivals at the American Legion?" "Not this one! This one's different! It's after Labor Day instead of before and instead of at the American Legion..." He paused. "Yes what is it?" I asked. "It's in the woods behind the school!" He jumped in excitement. My eyes widened in curiosity. "Come on!" He yelled, running ahead. I quickened my pace to keep up with him. He stopped at the edge of the fence and waited for me to catch up. I could hear the carnival music in the distance and I looked at the forest, regretting wearing shorts. We walked down the big ditch to the edge of the forest. Jacen ran to a small path that had been cleared. "Through here!" He shouted. Thank God it's cleared out, I thought. I followed him down a long, curvy forest path into a large clearing. Jacen smiled and grabbed my hand, almost pulling me off balance. I looked around in wonder and enchantment. Jacen laughed happily, waving at his friends and pulling me towards the games. I handed him some money so he could play with his friends and I started walking around. Without hardly searching at all, I found my favorite ride. The Ferris Wheel. I walked to the ticket stand and looked at the sign hanging above it. Scarborough Fair, it read. I bought enough tickets to get on the Ferris Wheel and walked back over. I waited patiently as the line inched forward. When it finally got to me, I handed the man the tickets and sat down on the seat. I started getting myself ready when the man looked at me and asked, "Do you have a partner?" "Pardon me?" I asked. "Do you have a riding partner?" He asked again. "Um, no sir." I replied. "You can't ride without a partner." He turned around, "does anyone want to ride with this pretty little lady?" He called out. "Oh no..." I started to say, shaking my head. Before he could hear me a young man, maybe two years older than me stepped up. I had never seen him around town before. "I'll ride with her." He had said. He had the smoothest, sweetest voice I had ever heard in my #life. He stared at me before sitting down and giving me a lop-sided smile. His hair was a beautiful honey blonde, darker than mine and curly and his eyes were royal blue. It was strange. I had never seen anyone with blue eyes as dark as his. I noticed, as he pulled the bar down over us, that he hadn't given the man any tickets. I looked at the man in confusion. He rolled his eyes at the boy and started the ride. The ride moved up and we sat in silence. "Are you having fun?" He asked, finally. I could feel his eyes on me. "Yes." I said, watching the forest. He continued starring at me then looked ahead. It stopped at the top to let someone else get on and we watched the forest. "Thank you." I said, remembering my manners and glancing at him. He smiled, "You're welcome." He said. The ride stopped and I started to get up. "They need you at the hall of mirrors Henry." The man said to the boy. Henry, I thought. "Okay." He replied as I started to walk away. "Hey!" He called to me, "I didn't get your name." "Oh, yes. I'm Grace." I replied, looking at him. He smiled, his eyes sparkling. "Grace." He repeated. He nodded and took off towards the hall of mirrors. I walked back to find my brother, Henry stayed on my mind the whole way.
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