Translate   12 years ago

Friends For #life Pt 3 I'm sitting in registration just "casually" talking to Mia. I say "casually" but that's just her. When I look at her I just want to grab her and hold her tight then tell her I love her, kiss her until she has to take a breath. I want her to know. She already knows. She avoids the topic all the time. The bell rings and we go to our different classes. Finn is in her first class. They leave together and start chatting. I feel a really tight pain in my chest. I'll confront her on the way home. We live in the same street and thank goodness we do because I would never have been her childhood friend and discovered so many different feelings. She hurts me, heals me, weakens me, makes me laugh and makes my heart race. I'm nervous even when just our shoulders touch. I don't get it we used to hold hands when we were kids so why do I feel so hot whenever my skin touches hers. I want to force her in a corner and make her kiss me. I want her to feel different around me. I'm having such perverted thoughts. I'm 15 so that's expected but I just can't control myself. I need her to be with me and love me. It really hurts in my chest like she's just sucked the blood out of my heart. It's time for lessons and I just want her to get out of my head and fall into my arms instead. I'm going to make sure I tell her. I won't let her get taken away. I don't even want to think about her getting taken away. My chest is hurting again. Am I sick? Nope. Just lovesick. ******* It's home time I'm getting ready to brace myself. ©Penguin (Whoever spots the 1D reference gets a follow! If I'm not already following you. But you need to #quote it in the comments section. :P) Oh and comment on any improvements and what you'd like to happen. It will help me a lot and will stop the series being discontinued like so many of my others. Please like it! I hope you enjoyed! @Girlbobo

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