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If I Had A Diary...... 7th October 2012 So today was one of those extremely tired days. I went to visit P but fell asleep on his sofa for over an hour! It is such a good job he loves me I think anyone else would be pissed if you turned up to see them and slept instead. This is the one thing I hate about being ill, the extreme tiredness. It is my sisters birthday tomorrow so I have wrapped her present and blown up balloons and made a card. All fun. Mood wise I am indifferent to everything. I think Im at a part of my #life where I can make a change and hope it will get better, or plod along with that comfort of a safety blanket #life, what you know is good, the unknown is scary. I think Im picking the scary route, Im looking at if it is possible to go back to uni and do a new degree (and maybe finish it this time) Love me Xx

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