Translate   12 years ago

you left the girl with nothing ch4 The fair. It was the one thinf my town could do right. It was spring break and even though i didnt think i deserved it, i needed a break from dance. Logan and myself loved going to the fair together more than anything. There was something about it. The food, the rides, seeing people from around the state come here. Something about it made me really happy. It was wendsday afternoon and i had just come home from dance. My mom was home now, but usually being gone with my sister that long ment she was going to sleep forever. And so was my sister. Sleep was the only thing i wanted to do right now too, i was heading till my bedroom to do it until my phone buzzed. It was a texf from Logan, shocking. "Hey copey, wanna go to the fair? c:" hmph, "i just want sleep" i said to myself quitely. "uhh yeah sure. I'll be over in what 10 minutes?" I love Logan to death. I do i really really do. But sometimes this kid can be too much. Doesnt he know i want to sleep? I walked into my room picking up random item of clothing and throwig them on. blink182 shirt and shorts. Classic. I walked down to my moms room. "Hey mama, im going to the fair with Logan. Ill be back whenever." "hmm, oh okay baby. I love you." " i love you too mom." the words i love you wernt the three mosy popular words to come out of my moms mouth. Is it sad to think when your mom tells you she loves you, you think shes up to something? do Any other people feel that way? My walk to Logans house was short, quite, and calm. The exact oppisite of what i have been lately. I was infront of Logans house when i decided to pull one of his moves. I threw a small rock pebel thing at his window. "Oh hey copeland. My moms not home, just come in." i laughed. I walked into Logans dirt room filled with posters of bands bands and more bands. I liked his simply messy room. His room wAs always the right tempature if that has any importance. Logan didnt have a shirt on, and im not going to lie. He looked really attractive. Like extremly. "Logan where the fuck is your shirt?" "i dont know, i do know that im tierd and i want you to lay down with me." "but i thought we were going to the fair?" i poutted. "were going later. Besides you look so tierd you couldnt even stand in a line." he was right. I was tierd. Too tierd. Fuck it. I grabbed a pair of basketball shorts and one of his old t shirts and crawled in bed next to him. I struggled out of the pair of shorts i had on and threw the basketball ones on. Next was my shirt. Ive known this kid forever, its okay to be changing in front of him right? "Thanks Logan, i havent had real sleep in forever." it didnt take long for the both of us to fall asleep. Not long at all.

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