Friends For #life Pt 2 It time for school today. I'm 16 now. Year 11. I can't bare to see Mia today. She's not going to talk to me or look me in the eye. I know it. I'm not going to be able to control myself. It's form time and she comes in just before the late bell. Then she sits next to me like always... What? Wait she's sitting next to me? "Mia? Hi?" "Hi. So how was the holidays?" She talked to me! But wait she's acting like nothing happened. "But Mia, what about yesterday?" "When we went to see the film? What about it?" "What do you mean 'What about it?!' Don't you remember what I said" my voice is getting louder. "Calm down. People are gonna stare." I can't speak. Heartbreak. I can't believe she decided to just forget about it. The teacher comes in. "Settle down class. We have a new student. Everyone please welcome him and help him settle down. Come in. Introduce yourself." A tall, good looking jock comes in with green eyes and short brown hair. "Hi. My name is Finn Goulding. I'm new so go easy on me please." "Sit here Finn!" Ugh it's Kaci. Hopping between any boy she can lay her hands on. She tried to hit on me but failed. I'm about the same height as Finn except with blue eyes and blonde hair. I can feel he's going to be trouble. Mia is staring at him. It's looks like she knows him. I'm feeling envy already even though I've only just saw the guy. I'm already pissed off today. Ugh I hate this. I don't like these ugly feelings. ©Penguin If you'd like more please comment and tell me. I'd also like to hear what you'd like to happen. @tattyteddy @ren360 @LittleKitten @GingerC
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