Help!!! After all these came back as "friend" You were like before...messaging me everyday and hangout as usual... because now your so call "girlfriend" went back to her country and going back with her man that didn't know she was cheating... And you just come back to me like nothing happen... Do you know how much it hurts me when you left me in the dark?? Do you know when I saw you texting her while we having dinner, it really makes me feel uncomfortable...?? Have you ever think about me once?? Am I only your second best or not even that...I'm just someone who entertain you because you haven't find a new girl yet?? It has been long enough and I do want to leave you in peace...but something I can not give up is leaving you alone... I tell myself so many times I need to let go and I need to leave him... But as soon as you text me...I feel that maybe slightly you still care... Am I crazy?? I really do want to tell you how I feel...but will you run away again??

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