Translate   13 years ago

Somewhere Within Me It's painful when I'm with him, Even though I'm happy, sad, having fun, feeling uneasy or feeling nervous, My chest always hurts I don't know And I don't know how he feels I can't control my feelings too What should I do if he's troubled because of me ? What should I do if he's regretting it ? What should I do if he doesn't like me anymore ? That's why for a moment when I thought he seemed serious, Many emotions welled up inside me and I don't know what I should do. What should I do ? What do I want to do ? Do I want a boyfriend ? Do I want to fall in love ? Should I get caught up in it ? Or should I not ? Should I give up ? Should I keep my hopes up ? When will I start to like him ? Or will I not like him ? I'm the one who's the most confused I'm the one who's most troubled I kept in thinking that Without thinking about others Without knowing about it I just keep on doing that Over and over

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