Breaking The Legs Of Sheep The Bible says that God's children are like sheep. Should we be offended? Sheep are kinda stupid. They panic in times of crisis, the constantly wander off, and if they're left on their back, they cannot get up so they eventually die. What the heck God, seriously? First you say we were made in your image and now we are helpless sheep. I had to look into this odd description of God's children. If a shepherd has a persistently wandering lamb, he will break one of the lambs legs. With a broken leg, the sheep is carried everywhere with the shepherd. The bond between the shepherd and the lamb becomes so great that the sheep never leaves the shepherd's side again. Better to have a temporarily broken leg than leave the safety of sheep herder to be devoured by wolves. The same goes for Christians. Sometimes God needs to separate us from our sinful wandering. It might hurt to separate from something harmful or outside of God's plan, like a relationship for example. People often say that, hindsight being 20/20, that breakup was for the best. So if you're going through a some spiritual discipline, just know that even though it hurts, it is saving you from something much worse. Thank God for a Shepherd like Jesus.
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Clay Matthews
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