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Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus #poem Last part of #poem "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus" Religion says slave, Jesus says son, Religion puts you in shackles but Jesus sets you free. Religion makes you blind, but Jesus lets you see. This is what makes religion and Jesus two different clans, Religion is man searching for God, but Christianity is God searching for man. Which is why salvation is freely mine, forgiveness is my own, Not based on my efforts, but Christ’s obedience alone. Because he took the crown of thorns, and blood that dripped down his face He took what we all deserved, that’s why we call it grace. While being murdered he yelled “father forgive them, they know not what they do”, Because when he was dangling on that cross, he was thinking of you He paid for all your sin, and then buried it in the tomb, Which is why im kneeling at the cross now saying come on there’s room So know I hate religion, in fact I literally resent it, Because when Jesus cried It is finished, I believe He meant it ~ by Jefferson Bethke

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