Doctor Who: Serum Prologue: A man runs through the street, obviously panicking. Many people close their curtains on him. Masked men chase after him. His is backed into a corner. A Masked man walks up to man. He brings out a long syringe. Patient looks at it and screams. Other 'doctors' walk in and strap him to the wall, then gagging him. Masked man raises syringe up and plunges it into the mans arm. The man tries to get out of his bonds and his screams are muffled. Blackout... man emerges from the hospital cheerfully after being given his injections. Man walks home. Theme tune music. Doctor: so, where would you like to go this time Amy: I don't know... Somewhere nice and sunny for a change? Rory:Um... Yeah.(Amy fixes home with a glare) (he hurriedly says)... Amy's right. Doctor: why not... (Amy looks at him) oh... Fine! We can go do the beaches of Harawiramm! Amy and Rory exchange excited glances. Doctor moves around Tardis, flicking levers and switches. Doctor: Here we go! He pulls the final one and the noise of the Tardis blocks out the noise of a loud beeping sound. The camera zooms in on the scanner. A distress call(lingers for 5 secs). Amy: well done doctor. For once, you finally managed to make the Tardis not jerk around, like this(she jerks around) Doctor: oh, c'mon, it's all the excitement I GE-ET( Amy rolls her eyes) Amy: is battling monsters not enough for you? Doctor: Nope- The Tardis suddenly jerks around wildly and is plunged into darkness. Amy: oops... Looks like I spoke to soon. Doctor: oh well done Amy, you jinxed us. (adds under breathe) stupid humans. Amy: do you believe in jinxing? Doctor: nope Rory: oi! Don't speak to my-(the doctor treats him with a stern look) (Rory falters) Amy: what, Was that? Doctor: something I learnt off you. Good eh? He is met with blank faces Doctor: I'm never doing that again. Suddenly another jerk and an alarm sound. The darkness inside the Tardis is even worse. Amy: with all the high tech stuff you have in here, you don't have an emergency light? Seriously? Doctor: emergency lights? Who has emergency light? I have normal lights. Normal lights are cool. Amy grunts. The doctor finds the scanner and taps it repetitively. It doesn't respond. Doctor: we've lost the scanner. Rory: what do you mean lost it? You can't have lost it. It's attached to the Tardis. Doctor: Rory, Rory, I haven't LOST lost it, it just isn't working. Rory: oh... Hey! I found a torch!( A light shines around the Tardis revealing everyone.) for a second, silence. Doctor: well, I'll just have to take a look out there. We're probably in the middle of an abandoned alleyway. (he straightens his bow tie) Amy: why do you do that? Doctor: it's a bow tie... Bow ties are cool. He steps out the front door. He is in the middle of a sitting room surrounded by people( grandma, 9 yr old boy, parents.) All staring at him and the Tardis open mouthed. The old women drops her cup of tea. Doctor: oh...(he goes back inside. Doctor: re-park!!! Amy and Rory: why? Doctor: well, the good news is, we're not in the middle of a big war. The bad news... Were not in an abandoned alleyway either. Camera moves outside and watches Tardis disappear. Then camera back inside Tardis. They repark. Doctor looks outside. He is in the same place. This time the mother drops her tea. Doctor: (mouths) sorry... Camera stays outside Tardis as it disappeared. relocate to abandoned ally way. Tardis appears. Doctor steps out. Doctor: ah... A nice peaceful abandoned alleyway. (Amy raises an eyebrow/looks sarcastically at the Doctor). Doctor: what? Amy: a second ago, you were saying that not enough happens in however long you've been alive, now you're wanting peace? Doctor: yeah... what's wrong with that? Cmon, let's see why the Tardis dragged us here. Amy and Rory sigh and follow. People hide behind curtains as they pass. A dark shadow stays behind them. Dark Shadow: (whisper) they're here... Amy: Doctor! Wait! DoctorStopping) yes? Amy: those houses, they weren't deserted. Doctor: I know, they were too well maintained. Rory: so, what could have scared them that much? Doctor: the same thing that made the Tardis drag us here...(carries on walking) Amy and Rory look at each other and shrug, then carry on following the Doctor. Dark shadow keeps following. Parliament building. (random chatting) Doctor walks in. Doctor: ahem(people keep chatting) ahem!!! Chatting stops and they stare at the doctor. Doctor: so, this is the friendly welcoming I get. I think you will see I'm a people person (shows psychic paper)(points to Amy) my beautiful assistant Amelia(Amy waves) and Rory(Rory: oi!)(Doctor ignored him) so, a population of around 5,000 people, and not one of them have shown their faces. So, what I want to know is, why? Surely, a city like this(waves hands around to emphasise his point) should be throbbing with activity.(leans across table) Is anyone going to tell me, or am I going to have to find out? The chairman/president waves to a security guard to come forward Doctor: I'll take that is a no, then. (nobody reacts) okay, you leave me with no choice... RUN!!! (they run along the endlessly long alleyways (abandoned). Chase scene finishes. Doctor: (breathing heavily) that was close. Amy: too close. Rory: deffinatly way to close. The keep moving on. Doctor: so, what do you think could have done that? Amy: done what? Doctor: scare everyone so much that they don't even look at outsiders? Amy: I don't know. Rory: (looking behind the Doctor) hey... Someone's signalling to us. Doctor: (spinning round) ahh! That could be just what we need. Before anyone could do anything he walks inside the old ladies house Old Lady: can I get you anything? Doctor: hmm... Some biscuits... No... Sorry, Crisps... No... Biscuits... No... Definatly biscuits. Lady walks away. They sit in silence until she comes back. Doctor: who ordered biscuits? I hate biscuits. Can I have some crisps? Lady walks back into kitchen to get some. Lady comes back with crisps. Doctor: so, why did you invite us in here? She looks around and makes sure everything is boarded up and soundproof. She starts shaking. Old Woman: you're here to help, aren't you? Doctor: um... Yes that's us, here to help. But we can't if no one tells us anything. Womanflash back) it all started a year ago when everyone was happy. But suddenly, people began to get sick. Then these new doctors came and we accepted them readily, but they were strange. They've got all of us, but not me, they're coming for me. They're coming!!!(screeching and crying) Doctor: ok, I'll do my best. Woman: you don't get it they're coming!!! The doctor looks at her. Doctor: now? Woman nods head. Woman: one last thing. Find Jefferson. He was running through the streets last night. Suddenly door brakes down and masked men walk in. Lady screams and starts to cry. Lady: please don't hurt me please. The leader took out a syringe from his coat pocket. It was big. He lifted it up. Masked man: (metallic) you have not had your injections. Masked man plunges string down into ladies arm. Amy screams. Lady screams. Lady goes limp and doctors pick her up. Doctor: leave her alone! Doctors turn to face him Leader: you are the one they call the Doctor? Doctor: yes. Leader: you will be eliminated. Doctor: oh... I didn't see this coming. RUN!!! End of part 1...
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