Translate   13 years ago

11 Years On Note: this isn't meant to offend I am Marking the anniversary of losing some one special to me. So Ash your no longer with us as u had your #life cut short 11years ago on this day. I know if you had a choice that you wouldn't of jumped to your death in the attacks that happened on the place you worked, no one will ever understand why it happend everyone has theorys of why it may of happend to cripple the American economy but no one knows the real reason behind 9/11. Your family and friends and loved ones who knew you still aren't over what happened that day, I know your dad was in new york on the day of the attacks he was coming to see you but he never made it to you in time as he was stuck in rush hour traffic he saw the planes hit the towers and was just in shock. A lot of people questioned why the president just sat in that school that day when he was told. You may be looking down on me right now and wonder why I share these details because I just want you to know that your not forgotten, you didn't ignore Simon he knew you weren't well but u still went to work god dam it if you had listened to simon you would still be here right now getting ready to come to my wedding in 2014 with him, I know ou can probably see the tears running down my cheeks as I type this. Simon was your lover but also your best friend ash he would do anything for you. The long talks me and him had sat in your room in Canada made us feel like you were still here just like the old times we wud all sit in there playing on the Xbox and kicking each others ass's at halo and just having a good time, I had never seen Simon so low so lost and confused Amy would come sit with us and join in the convosations and just enjoy the time with us. Your missed and still loved and not forgotten, I know if u were still alive today you and Simon would be over here and meeting Becca you would liked her and I know Amy would too R.I.P Ash Never forgotten Sleep well

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