Translate   13 years ago

Chapter V I just want to quickly point out, that these chapters can get quite harsh and unpleasant quite quickly, so younger and more sensitive readers please be aware. Continued .. 15, and pregnant. My mother was not to know, so it was a hush hush “take these pills, endure the pain for a few hours, and there you go” thing. Over and done with. I didn’t have that much to say about it. My baby girl would have been 4 now, and although I am well aware that is was neither the time nor place, and I would have had nothing good to offer her, she stays in my heart and gathers the tears I have cried for her. By this time, I had two younger brothers. They were both suffering under the same treatment as I, and both of them just as terrified. Every single day was a battle, fighting for my brothers, protecting, and standing up for them. My health was getting worse by the minute, living every day in a hazy state, drugged out of my mind with pain killers, numbed by the cuts, and always starving. School was hardly a challenge, but I had just given up. Friends had been scared away, my mother had convinced the teachers that I was nutters, and I found my self alone. I had to get out. I only had 2 options; Leave, or die. My mother was standing and shouting at me, grabbing my hair and slamming my head into the wall, spitting me in the face and reminding me how worthless I was. I guess it was now never. Where it came from, I have no idea, but my fist came flying through the air, smashing into her face leaving her stunned long enough for me to grab a hoodie, and run. When I reached the woods, I threw my hoodie in the bushes, knowing that my mother would call the police, give them a description, and say I had done something terrible, so I was willing to do anything that could delay them or lead them in the wrong direction. I stopped an elderly couple, begging to borrow their phone, called my ex boyfriend and ran towards the bus. Sneaking onto the bus through the back door due to lack of money, I kept my head down, praying that no one would see me. My ex picked me up, and we took the fastest path homewards. Early next morning, dressed in my ex’s hoodie to hide my fiery red hair, I caught the first train heading towards Copenhagen, hiding in the train’s bathroom, pretending to be pregnant and bleeding so they wouldn’t chuck me off. I reached Copenhagen, and was met by my best friends father – I was safe. Continues ..

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