Translate   13 years ago

Insomnia Ok well I know I am still awake 2:41am here in the UK and well I lay awake in bed with many thoughts going through my head tunes in my ears.....thoughts of past events running through my mind, then I wrote emails to my girlfriend to send to her when I wake up as part of a routine I have or myself in to.....I will admit I don't have much of a social #life the constant days sitting in my room alone thinking everything through sounds like a suicide note which this isn't I have sufferered with insomnia all the way through high school when it came to do final exams it just got I can't get in to a pattern I am in a pattern with a routine but will ever manage to get over this problem who knows. People look at me and tell me that I look knackered gee I wonder why I have been an insomniac since 2004 my girlfriend says I should get in to a sleep routine hmmm I have been trying my love since 2004 with no success.

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