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Mystical ( Chapter 17&18 ) “Let’s start with Kate first” Page said as she walked towards her. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you” Tate’s head flew up and he cried even more. “Rose” he whispered “Your O.k” Molly shouted “Kick her butt” Kate shouted “That’s impossible, your suppose to be dead “ Page screamed “I’m happy to see you too” Rose said “ I guess I’ll have to kill you myself then” Page shouted as she swung at her. She missed and I kicked her but she felt nothing. “Is that all you got” she laught My foot felt like something was on it, I looked down to see slime on it. I was confused, were did this come from. Then I looked at Page and almost threw up, Page’s feet were actually just plain slime and the rest of her was transforming into it too. “Because of you Scott turned me into this” she screamed as she this time pushing slime after my face. Thankfully it missed my face but a little touched the bottom of my dress, it burnt the spot. O.K, got to watch out for that “I’m gonna burn you so badly” she said as she rushed at me. Mom, dad be with me, Rose said and closed her eyes. She then instantly opened her eyes, just as Page’s hand was about to hit her face. She grapped her hand in a flash, twist her around and pushed her all the way across the room. “Rose are you O.K” Tate shouted “She didn’t burn you” Kate asked. “I’m fine” Rose said as she looked at them “Wow” Molly gasped “You can’t hurt me” Page shouted as she sprang at Rose again. “I’m not planning to”Rose said with a sweet smile “What, you can’t fool me” Page screamed as she punched after Rose. “Now Freeze” Rose said softly as her pink eyes sparkled. “That’s impossible, how can you control me when I’m made of slime” Page said as she stopped dead in her tracks, her hand sticking out in punching position. Rose’s golden hair, in a flash was now straighter and glowing, blowing all over the place, even though no wind was blowing. She stepped closer to page as she started to glow. She held out her hands and touched Page’s head as her hands started to glow pink. Only Pages eyes gave away how frightened she was, the rest of her was so still, She could pass for a big #life like doll. “What is she doing” Molly asked “shh” Tate whispered Rose took a deep breath and closed her eyes, her pink glow started to glow stronger and started covering Page. When every last part of Page was covered by the light she started to scream as a loud cracking sound was heard through the room. A big flash of pink light caused Scott’s men to scamper, the ones that didn't left when Page took over. As soon as the flash came it was gone, revealing Page tumbling forward. “What did you do to me” Page screamed as she tried to gain back her balance. “I cured you” Rose replied calmly. “What!” Page “Now go home and remember nothing of this incident or anything leading up to this” Rose ordered Page with a sweet vice as she starred into the girls eyes. “As you wish” Page said as her pupils turned black. Page then hurriedly ran around the corner and out the door. That’s the last of her “Hand cuffs and foot cuffs open” Rose ordered the chairs and with a hissing sound the chairs did open. “Rose!” Molly and Kate shouted as they jumped out the chair and ran and hugged her. Rose hugged them for just a second when she suddenly pushed then aside and ran over to Tate. “I’m fine, I’m fine” Tate said as he got up “No you’re not” Rose insisted as she put her hands around Tate’s waist, trying to help him stand. “Rose your parents are still knocked out” Kate said. “They’ll be fine” Rose said as she concentrated on helping Tate. “I said I’m fine already!” Tate shouted at Rose “I’m just worried” Rose said with tears threatening to leak. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to make you cry. I’m just angry at myself for not protecting you” he said in a calmer voice. “No, you always protect me so I worked very hard in protecting you today. I did my best for you” Rose cried. “Gezz, you look so cute with those pink eyes” Tate said as he hugged Rose. “Ah, I still look like a #life sized pink cotton candy” Rose gasped. “Rose” Molly called “No you look supper cute or no, like an angel from pink world” Kate chipped in. “Rose” Molly called again “Oh Tate we better get your wounds looked at” Rose said as she started to scan him over. “I’m fine, I told you I am strong” Tate boasted My head feels funny “Are you o.k. you don’t look too well Rose” Kate asked. “Rose!” Molly shouted “What” I asked “Your parents, something’s happening” she rushed out in a high pitched voice They turned their attention over to Rose’s parents. Kate gasped as they all watched as Mrs. Heart short curly blond hair starts to grow out into light brown, and keeps growing and growing. She then just started to glow pink as certain changes took place on her husband too. “Are you O.K ”Tate said as he grabbed Rose. She looked like she would fall any minute. “I’m tired”she said as her eyes went back to normal. “It’s fine now, you can rest. Leave everything to me” Tate said before he lifted Rose up. “I’ll do that” Rose said as she snuggled against his chest. I’ll just do that Rose repeated as she closed her eyes. Chapter 18 Floating in the air feels peaceful. I feel warm and wonderful, like rays of sunshine are shining down on me. Warming up my body and protecting me, watching over me. “Mmmm” I stretched as I sat up “You look so cute when you’re sleeping” mom said as she leaned over and kissed my forehead. “Can’t tell when last we watched you sleep” Dad added. So they were watching me sleep, wonder how long “Yes we were watching you sleep and from the moment we got home” Dad said with a smile Did he just “I’m a vampire remember honey” Dad laughed, showing off his sharp fangs. “So how did I get here, the last thing I remember was watching you too change back” I asked. “Tate brought you back, he’s so handsome now. I can’t believe he’s my son now, I thought I would have to force you to marry him” Mom said in a high pitch voice. She looked so happy. “I can’t believe I have to share you with that boy, your suppose to be mine and mine alone. He even unlocked your power when I said I would. How can they be married” Dad sulked. Oh no Tate “Don’t worry, he’s fine. Your mom healed his wound” Dad said, reading my mind. He’s kind of like Tate, in a way. “You’ll just need to reverse the injection” Mom smiled. Huh, how “No, i don’t want her to. I’ll do it then” Dad said, no more like begged. “Devon, they are married and beside’s your not a mystical fairy” Mom scolded him “But Isabel” dad pleaded. “No buts’” Mom demanded Looking at my parents now they look so cute together. When I see them like this I feel like I fit in. it’s not like I didn’t fit in before but know I can see that I look like my mom but has my father’s hair and both their beautiful smiles combined. But I just don’t understand what happened, why they did this to me. “Fine, I surrender” dad said as he through his hands up. They must have seen the sadness on my face because they both went quit and then sat beside me on the bed. “Honey we love you and we never planned for what happened” Dad said. “When you were born many persons wanted you, they wanted your power. Almost every day we had to fight off people, with the help of Tate’s parents and my best friend of curse. And we would have to keep fighting until you were 16 and married to Tate” Mom told me. Married to Tate “You see you can only seek to claim and control a mystical Fariy before she’s married. And since I was married to your mom, they came after you” Dad added. “We all thought it was best if we changed our appearance and move. If they can’t find us they can’t find you. So we did what we did, erased your memory of us and even my best friend. Creating new memories of a normal #life for the fake us and you. Leaving Tate’s parent’s in charge, just in case anything went wrong” Mom continued. “And yet they weren’t here today, some protectors” Dad “Do you understand “Mom asked “Yes “ I nodded. “Well your mom and I are going out for dinner, I haven’t drunken any blood for so long. Thanks to your mother’s powers I’m still alive” Dad said as he got up. “We love you” Mom said as she kissed my check. “Don’t do anything stupid now” dad said before he and mom walked out my door. “Hay!” Molly, Kate and Victoria shouted as they entered my room, shortly after my parents left. “So I can’t believe I missed out on everything, I’m turning into Kate” Victoria laughed. “Hay” Kate pouted “So can you believe my mom and your mom are best friends, too bad weren’t cousins. I liked being your cousin” Molly said. “That’s good, now she wont have to like you better than us” Kate said. “Yea now were all leveled” Victoria piped in. “I love you guys a lot, more than anything. I can’t chose between you, you’re all so important to me” I told them “We love you too!” they all shouted as they jumped on my bed, giving me a group hug. “You guys, your squeezing me to death” I laughed. “That’s how much we love you” Victoria said “Hay, your mom says she’ll teach us how to use our powers” Kate said to me “What about us” Molly asked “Sorry, Fairies only” Kate smirked “What’s so good about being a fairy” Molly said “Yea” Victory backed her up “I see you guys woke her up, I thought I told you to let her rest” Tate said as he entered the room. “She was already up” Molly said “I Know let’s go grab some ice cream at frozen yo’s” Victoria said as she hopped out of bed. “Yea” Molly and Kate said as they hopped off too. “Let me just go freshen up” I said as I got off my bed and ran to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Huh, someone mush have changed my cloths, because I was now in a white denim shorts and a plain blue t-shirt. I couldn’t bother to change so I just brushed my hair into a ponytail. “Huh where’s everyone “I asked Tate when I walked in and saw him alone sitting on the bed. “Well Victoria said you should stay here because that’s where you need to be, and the other’s backed her up” he replayed the message. Some friends they are ......... oh Tate “Are you O.K” I asked as I hopped on the bed beside him. “How many times must I tell you that ……..” Tate started to say but I cut him off by leaning in and kissing him. What my mom said, I know what I must do “Mmmm” I said as our kiss ended. I caught a glimpse of his oh so wonderful eyes. They begged me not to stop, but it’ll only be for a second. “What are you doing” Tate asked with wide eyes as I used a finger to slit my neck, Blood leaking out. “Hurry and drink before I heal, that’s if you don’t want to wait so long to return to normal” I teased. He didn’t even give me time to change my mind, he pounced on me. Knocking me unto my back and started to drink. At first he screwed up his face, the blood must have tasted weird, but after a minute he started to gulp it up eagerly until I finally felt it. He’s sharp fangs sinking into my neck. Finally, he’s back to normal “I’m glad you’re better now” I told him as he licked my neck clean. “Me too” he said as he kissed my neck, sending electricity throughout my entire body. “Let’s go join everyone at frozen yo’s” I said as I attempted getting up. “Not so fast, were not done here” He said as he pulled me back. Huh “Mmmm” He twirled me around and crushed my lips under his, which set off fireworks in my head. It’s like everything from the first time we meet came rushing back. I just couldn’t take my hands off of him. He stopped and just stared into my eyes before he threw his shirt off and then continued kissing me, my eyes, lips, ears and neck. I fumbled with his pants and actually hissed at his pant’s in frustration. “You want me that bad huh” he smirked as he stopped and slipped off his pants. At this point I couldn’t even think to answer. My eye’s flickered between pink and normal from the enormous amount of pleaser I was receiving. I felt wonderful, knowing everything we went through to be here now just makes the pleasure greater. It’s like were celebrating our new #life together, from here on out we’ll stand together and always be together. “Mrs. Mackenzie “Tate whispered into my left ear when we were snuggled up together “Yes Mr. Mackenzie” I whispered back “You’ll always be mine.I’ve waited for you so long and I’m never letting you go, even if you get tired of me" he said before romantically planting a soft kiss on my lips. “I won’t let you go ether, my dreamy eyes. I love you way too much” I whispered. We just stared into each other’s eye’s silently, two people brought back together by memories or dreams. No matter by what, they were truly destined to be together. And that’s what’s truly mystical. ................ THE END ..............

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