Translate   13 years ago

If Only You Could See The Future. It was a shock to me, Something unexpected Out of the blue, You showed yourself to me & throw me off balance, I never thought of this especially so soon. I saw a boy easy on the eyes, Just meeting you would do, Never knew someone could be so nice, But you knocked down my wall, Don't think you realised it fall, You crept your way into my heart, Strange thing is I didn't put up a fight, Or seize the chance to make it right. I just let my eyes follow your gaze to me, You make me feel so free, Now we're not those couples that are sappy, As our story has just begun, Im ready to have fun It seems so unusual I'm happy. Ofcourse the story is true, But it had to end blue, Just like the#moonon a winters night, Ohh our last argument was a sight, You showed me a side which was cruel, But I just realised I was a fool, You led me to believe you loved me, Ofcourse I had to open my eyes and see, I still love you, & probably always will Yet you move on without explaining the truth, Expect me to go quiet and my volume to be nill, But I have a voice, And I know what is right, So you my dear better realise your choice.

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