Dear Someone [Part 7] Dear Someone, You are beautiful. You are going to be fine. Sure, you might be a little bit moody. Sure, you might be a little crazy. Maybe you're just a little unsure of everything you want. Maybe you're even a little bit insecure. (Being honest, who isn't?) But you are just fine. The answers will come. You will understand what you're supposed to be doing with your #life. You will find someone to love, and who loves you just as much. And most importantly, you will figure everything out eventually. You will, and you know it. I know it too. You are stronger than all the bull shit. You are worth so much. You are amazing. You are beautiful. I believe you can do this. I believe you can make it through this. I believe in *you.* It might be hard right now. And it might seem like the storm won't ever pass. But it will. You just have to stick it out till it does. And I'll be here for you. Always. To listen. Or to provide you a distraction from everything. Whatever you need. I promise. In the meantime, keep smiling. Keep your head up, beautiful. Keep your courage up, and you'll make it through. I know it. Love, Shane Oliver

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