Translate   13 years ago

Thoughts One Week Before 9th Year One week left until school start and summer vacation is over. I reliased I haven't done a single thing in the entire summer. No parties, no hanging out, nothing like that. Wow, my #life is boring. I've actually just sat at the house antisocially watching YouTube. And now it's just one week left. Last year in school. 9th grade. Time haven't flown though, it's been horrifyingly long and boring. And filled with #depression. But now I'm getting scared. Real scared. I don't know what will happen after this year. What grades I'll end up with. What school. What job. I just don't know. I have no goals. And actually, I just want to fun, but thinking about this summer, I seriously doubt that will happen. But still, I'm curious. Anything could happen really. I mean, I don't expect to step into a wardrobe and find myself in a magical land with amazing creatures or travel with a madman in a blue box (one can dream), but maybe I'll be a writer? An actor? A micro- biologist? Who knows, the future is full of mysteries. And I'm going to find out.

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