Fay's Season Sunlight filtered through the plethora of emerald leaves shrouding the vast rainforest. Dead leaves and twigs rustled and cracked as I roamed. Something seemed off. It took moments for me to realise it was the angle of my view, and the sharpness of the colours I was seeing. I looked down and found myself staring at a close up of the ground and a pair of paws. I stared intently and took a step forward and found that I was controlling the wolfs legs. I was the wolf. I glanced up sharply at the sound of something snapping in the near distance. Scanning the scenery my legs began an anxious dance, hairs on my neck began to raise in anticipation. A low bass growl broke the silence and I jumped into action, tearing through the foliage in the opposite direction. I was the prey and I had to escape. I was running as fast as I could, turning my head to find the predator, yelping loudly as I ran into the tree I’d not seen. I staggered trying to continue but everything was spinning. Legs buckling, I dropped to the ground, uncaring that I was about to become some-things lunch. Something crunching to my left pushed me to try and stand, but I wobbled and landed in a furry heap on the ground, closing my eyes and whimpering, my #life was about to end. Another growl erupted right by my face. My eyes opened and I found myself in my bedroom. I sighed in relief, it was all just a dream. I rolled over, pulling the blankets closer, closing my eyes I began to drift off again. A clicking noise got my attention, holding my breath I waited for it to start again. When silence continued, my breathing resumed. Slowly, in and out, I waited. I sighed at my over-active imagination and allowed my eyes to drift shut. Something clicked again and I tensed. The noise was getting closer. In true horror movie style, I turned my head to see where the disturbances were emanating when I caught sight of a rather large, silver and grey wolf. Gasping I shuffled away from it, placing the bed between me and it. My eyes wide, I watched in terror as it began rounding the end of the bed getting closer and closer. ‘Please don’t hurt me,’ I whispered quietly as I backed away towards the wall. The wolf stopped in my path and tilted it’s head, whining slightly. I scrunched my eyes to see if it was injured but with the dark I just couldn’t tell. The air around the wolf began to shimmer and waiver slightly. I watched in combined horror and amazement to see that the wolf was changing, metamorphosing into… a man. A very naked, lean and muscular man. My eyes dropped and my face heated. I edged towards the bed slowly, escape forefront in my mind. ‘Thats not advisable Fay,’ My eyes shot to him briefly before I glanced away again. Screw it. I thought my chances were pretty good. I readied my body, preparing to leap over the bed. I took a deep breath and set off. Getting as far as the middle of the bed, I was knocked over by the intruder and the air was knocked out of me. I lashed out hoping to impact with him but he seemed to know every move I was going to make. I groaned in frustration as he pushed me on my front and sat on my legs, holding my arms down by my side. I was suddenly very aware of how naked he was and how only the fabric of my satin shorts separated us. I started to struggle but felt him, firm against my buttocks. He leaned forwards and somehow managed to get his mouth to my neck. Biting down hard he growled at me. I ceased my struggle and stayed completely still as a rush of heat suffused my body. My breathing became heavy and my body began tingling. Gently he removed his grip from my arms and began stroking up my arms and down my side. I shifted slightly and inhaled sharply as his hand slipped under my camisole top. His teeth nipped down harder and I mewled as fire shot through me. Skin sensitised I began rubbing myself against him for the sensation. Releasing my throat he lifted away from me but the fire still burning within was making me writhe. It was like I was in heat. My mind froze… Me, in heat. I looked at the clock on the bedside table and noted it was gone midnight. My 25th Birthday. ‘shhh.’ The flames inside me were burning hotter, I gasped as it began to cause pain, a tear running down my face. His weight eased off me and he turned me over, he stroked the tear away and caressed my face as he leaned down and kissed me, more like he devoured my lips. The fire receded and I could think. I struggled and he moved away completely, the burning returned but worse. I wailed in frustration when he re-appeared with a condom in hand. ‘This is the only way to stop the fire Fay, Say yes.’ I looked into his amber eyes and breathed in his intoxicating smell and said the first thing that came to mind. ‘Yes,’ I whispered.

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