Spat With The BFF. We've had our fair share of quarrels. And my bff pisses me off a lot at times, as I have probably pissed her off too, but things usually ends up with us making up the day after. This time however, I just can't take it anymore. Why do I always have to accept everyone else's shit? YOUR shit. You think you're some god damn princess? Making people wait on you? Take some responsibility for your actions damn it. But I know her. I know her well. I know she'll just laugh this off. Make a joke out of it. Make it seem like it's no big deal. Like it was not her fault at all. Of course. It never is. I want her to know I'm angry. No, more like disappointed and sad and hurt. So I left her that one last text and then I shut my phone off for the whole night. Forced myself some sleep to cool my head. If she tries to text me back, to call me, to try and reason or give me some lame excuse, I won't be able to hear it. God I do not need to hear it. It's been 24hours since the incident. Nothing from her. That's expected actually. I know she probably thinks I'm over reacting. It's all right. She's always like that. What do I want from her? Maybe an apology? Maybe some understanding to my disappointment? I don't know. I want to see how long this lasts though. I want to see what she'll do, if anything at all. How much does she care about our friendship? About us. And if nothing happens, if she expects me to text her first, then hell, goodbye.
Vic Romero
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Vic Romero
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