The Unowned!! It was only nine o'clock and just me and James were just in the club having a good time pulling some birds, it wasn't till then I saw something in the corner of my eye I looked it was nothing but I defiantly saw something I shouted James, James, James I looked around he was no where I ran to the toilet to see, but no he wasn't there it was happening again!!! The day before: Yo jam you alright, Yah man what you up to tomorrow night, Nout mate you, Neare shell we go out, I Hurd that new clubs open we should go,? Yeah that sounds good I'll pick you up at 70 okay? Yh that's fine must go tho battery nearly died, Okay yeh speak to you soon!!! What shell I do I've got nothing to wear tomorrow I've got no money why did I say yes, never mind I will ask billy for money!!
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