Creature As I walk past the dark wall I think of how many friends I have in this #life. None. I have no friends, family, or anyone one to talk to. I roam this old, dark house with only myself and the huge rats that scamper across the floor. I am alone, worthless, afraid, scared. I have all these feeling raging inside me like a furnace ready to burst. I look at my hands and all I see is my dark, flowing arms that lay to my side. When I come to the walls I am so empty I can walk through them. I am so alone I pound the floor so loud it scares the rats and bugs. Tonight, I sense a creature will come, an ugly creature. The creature will try and come in my house and destroy me, I bet. *********Next Night************ I am lying on the floor, #lifeless as usual, when I hear a noise come from the door. I hover over to the sound and I see the creature. My cold hands touch the creature, but it doesn't sense me and walks towards the hole in the wall, where I pound every night. I come towards it again and it ignores me and walks through my empty body. It has unknowingly made my body rush throught the wind and disappear, but instead of never coming back, my body regenerates. I can hear the creature walk through the wood and rumble on the floor, so I walk over to it, and again it walks right by me, hitting my arm and making me give off a cold rush of air. That mad the creature notice. It says "ghosts. There are ghosts here." It has sensed my presence.
The Hallway Something was here. I didn't know what. I didn't know where. But I just knew something was watching me. The eery blackness of the long hallway surrounded me. I could hear something scratch the walls in anger as i ran down the hall. I was terrified. The creature wouldn't let me slip away to safety. I could hear its footsteps sound closer and closer to me every time I ran faster. I kept running until a reached a door. The door was scratched and faded, but it was the only safety I had. So I opened it and stepped inside the room behind it. The room smelled of old socks and dirt. I coughed violently Because the smell was so intense. When I turned around, the creature chasing me was scratching at the door. It must have heard me cough and thought I was in here. The creature continued scratching.To my suprise, the creature stopped scratching the door and ran off, huffing and puffing in defeat. When I took a step forward, something stirred in the distance, then stopped. I took another step, it stirred, then stopped. Strange. I took two steps at a time and this time it made a shrieking noise loud enough to break a glass cup. The shreiking continued until I took a step back. This was making me nervous. What if I dared walk more than two steps? What would happen then? I decided to flee the scene and go back to the hallway. That was a mistake. When I turned around, the creature that was chasing me earlier was towering above me, ready to attack.
Kaitlynn M.
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oh hai its molly ð
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