The Hallway Something was here. I didn't know what. I didn't know where. But I just knew something was watching me. The eery blackness of the long hallway surrounded me. I could hear something scratch the walls in anger as i ran down the hall. I was terrified. The creature wouldn't let me slip away to safety. I could hear its footsteps sound closer and closer to me every time I ran faster. I kept running until a reached a door. The door was scratched and faded, but it was the only safety I had. So I opened it and stepped inside the room behind it. The room smelled of old socks and dirt. I coughed violently Because the smell was so intense. When I turned around, the creature chasing me was scratching at the door. It must have heard me cough and thought I was in here. The creature continued scratching.To my suprise, the creature stopped scratching the door and ran off, huffing and puffing in defeat. When I took a step forward, something stirred in the distance, then stopped. I took another step, it stirred, then stopped. Strange. I took two steps at a time and this time it made a shrieking noise loud enough to break a glass cup. The shreiking continued until I took a step back. This was making me nervous. What if I dared walk more than two steps? What would happen then? I decided to flee the scene and go back to the hallway. That was a mistake. When I turned around, the creature that was chasing me earlier was towering above me, ready to attack.

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