colors roses are red vliots are blue all i see is colors around me and you rainbows animals color goloar i wish there were more colors then the ones from now and befor colors colors is all i see its very pretty as both you and me can see i dream of colors in my sleep colorful things is all my eyes see all i want is color and i got what i wished for
test of #life #life is a test that needs skill and hope something to sucseed #life is a test that cant be complete untill death #life is a test that has hard thing to pass it all matters even for a dog or cat #life is a easy test all you need is hope and faith and you will sucseed the score i final at death did you waste your #life or live happily
Monsters monsters monsters they hide in your closet they want pop out when its all dark and quiet you wake up to a strange sound and you hear the monsters creping aroud you think your alone but you are not with monstrs looking at you in the dark they pop out of nowhere makeing silence a scream you run while you can all the way down the sreet when you think you are safe they just pop up again you run as fast as you can you think to yourself i must not be caught then you wake up in your room and you think could all then been a dream just then you hear a crack on your door....
Fun haveing fun i try i try but i cant seem to get it right all i want is some fun but borad i am with nothing to do i do all i can to have some fun but nothing will happen nothing will budge i try and play ball it just crashes throgh the wall fun fum is all i want but no fun will happen at all when i give up something strikes fun fun mabey i cam ride my bike at last at last fun has come its a dream come true it nothing but fun