Twinderly Love Pain in the neck You got too much sass Some days I hate you So I sit in the grass And wonder why you're so mean And why you're so lean While I'm all left in the dust And to leave me out And always pout About what's right and wrong. I'm sorry for things I said To say this it took me too long: I love being a twin Through all thick and thin I can't go without you Even through sin. Two girls, you and I In a boy full-of world. Two brothers and dad Mom passed on; it was sad But what's done is done So let's face the sun And say that we'll still have fun And we're beautiful by a ton. Though I'm still getting over the fact That you have a boyfriend And you stay with the latest trend We did make a pact To stay true to eachother, forever and always. Happy birthday to the both of us. And to twins all over the world.
The Rich House I'll be rich someday, I swear. I'll wear layers of jewels And gold in my hair. As I walk by people bow down And treat me like the king of the town. I don't joke around, I will tell you that. Make fun of me? I'll make you go splat. And when I get home Servants open the door And bathe me and dress me and all of galore. The cook cooks me dinner The maid washes clothes The fun starts to simmer As servants massage my toes. Does this seem like the #life for you? It sure does for me. Eventually you'll start to wish For a #life full of these dreams.
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