Spwells. Part II. The cobbled streets turned into polished marble slabs at the turn of corner, as of now Deloria wasn't in the hunger stricken backstreets but the picturesque court of Sandelen. Even in the darkness the marble shone like starlight as the#moonalined with the Mother Well. "The court of Sandelen will always be watching you Deloria. You'll never be alone." From the most distant corner of her memory, the voice of Jerrian Dai pierced through her head. It had never really left Deloria, as for all she knew they could be. Sandelen was huge, big enough to spiral around the outskirts of Spwells until it made a done around it. Sandelen was Spwells prison and it felt as if Deloria was the only one that could see this. No matter how many times Deloria comes to Sandelen the memory of the first time always reawakens. How astonished she had been to see such beauty, how suddenly the clothes she once thought of as her best became nothing more that rags compared to the others surrounding her. The fear that plagued her, consumed every inch of her to where she had to drag each bare foot up to room 715. Memory was a funny thing. Deloria could remember every decimal of all those years ago however in a matter if moments she'd not ever think of the man she incinerates seconds ago. Her thoughts were halted as she started to ascend the spiral of steps: making her way to the top floor, room 1000.
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