Bitter sweet #lifestyle I've waited for this moment for so long. I move to a different country every 3 years, i guess u could call me a pro. But just because I've done it before, it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt as much when i have to say goodbye. Truthfully im terribly happy to move away this time because im tiered of my surroundings and my friends. There are no more secrets to be told at sleepovers and there are no new walls to fill in my house. I know every path to every destination, at this point I believe it's time to move away. I want to get outside my comfort zone to get new friends that i will love so so much! And spend hours on end trying to find the perfect bean bag and closet to go in my room. Getting lost is part of all the fun of course. So i am terrified, exited,nervous and tiered but most of all i simply cannot wait.