Chance Levi's POV i have to tell you something.." i took a deep breath and looked into my best friends eyes. She put her other hand on top of mine. "what is it? everything okay?" I felt her sit up and place a hand on my back. She traced small patterns on my back as i tried to find the words to tell her. "I've really enjoyed getting to know you, Sarah. I just wanted to tell you that I think I might like you..." I scratched the back of my head before adding; "no scratch that. I do like you Sarah I think I'm falling for you. I know you've been hurt before but I want to be the guy to fix that. I want to be the one you call up at 3 am when you can't sleep and just need to talk. I want to be there, Sarah. I would love it if you would be my girlfriend ." i said as i looked into her eyes. Sarah's POV I want to be your girlfriend. But are you sure? I don't want to make you feel like- I was cut off my his soft lips on mine, making all my doubt fade away. He pulled away and smiled. "Of course I'm sure beautiful." He looked into my eyes and pulled out his phone. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "I have to document this moment" he said while snapping a picture of me. "Haha what moment?" I asked, curiosity eating away at me. "The exact moment when I asked the girl of my dreams to be mine." He said with a smile. "Oh I'm yours now?" I asked jokingly. "Yes you are. Your mine and I'm yours. Forever and always babe." I leaned in and pecked his lips.
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