His name to remain unknown And then I looked to him with solace as he fell away My head only slightly tilted up to notice the dimness of light now fading into the night Into the darkness he went, washing down through the depths of my now empty soul Go now, leave my mind My heart will lick it's wounds Like a stray dog does after beatings from stealing scraps for sustenance I will walk away, my arms wrapped around my body if only to keep warm on this cold winter night I hold myself in embrace, feeling the tightness comfort my body Wishing only that it been his arms and not my own keeping me warm I fight the tear wishing to peak out from my eye, I hear my voice saying, "You are not weak, why do you make your heart vulnerable?!" I walk with fervent task, to get away from the aching in my body It is the cold night, but more the aching in my heart The physical torturous pain that cannot be feigned Why do I do this now, if only to know I am alive But to know this is to be crushed upon this earth, to be humbled by the power that is raw emotion To know the sweet smell of the rose and be pricked by its thorns To see the drop of blood run down the finger that dared to realize it's beauty To feel the thralls of ecstasy and crumble on the pillow of his heart Go now, into the night as your memory is forever burned into my soul A detour on the road of my #life.. A preview over my mountain so I may see the view that takes my breath away A smile crosses my face in that thought, as if the silent knowledge of this was enough .. Go now.. Into your night..
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Cataract / Stevo Owens
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