Love And Blessings R.I.P #life is numbered for me and you, A date set out through gods curfew Time for him to look down and say, Your work has been done on the earth I once made. Come home to me and be not scared where you lay, for your family and friends will be with you one day. A peaceful place we can all compensate for the dreams we once left in the hands of our race. You will feel no more pain no laughter or haste emotions are distant in this naked place. Just a heart and a soul is all you may take to carefree state free of evil and hate. It sounds rather scary on earth as we wait, but that's just nieavity and fear we create, nobody's yet realised the steppingstone is so great but is only the smallest one in the whole lake. When the next #life is calling when it's time to vacate you have not a choice so enjoy your escape. Look at the big picture in the gallery of #life, where were just the frame of which has not a price. But deep in the middle lies a great piece of art the place where we're all heading the most colourful mark a place we call heaven where we can meet when we part for this #life has ended and was only the start.
SILENCE??? Silence is suppress, A soundness-less expressed, A noise free state of peaceful great, a relaxing time it gave. So what do I keep hearing, when silence goes astray, Disappearing for one moment then crashing back to stay. Did it really disappear,or was it never there, or maybe it was just my mind because my thoughts were bare. As quiet as i sit a noise cannot resist, always to be heard, a seconds sound is never missed. So really what is silence,of what does it consist, I think now's the time to realise silence does not exist.
Peeees X Time passes us with no respect No second chance to recollect, No moment we can use again Yet anytime this all could end. Spend too much time dwelling on your sorrow, your heart becomes more weak and hollow. #life passes quick the time we borrow, here today not promised tomorrow. Not embracing the presence and the searching of peace can leave you empty lost and deceived . So think before you lose sight of lost time and say to yourself Il make the most of what's mine. Just reading this is a good way of showing, two minutes of your #life you wasted reading this #poem. But if it helps you appreciate the time that you have, then two minutes of your #life was worth each paragraph!
Jean Pogue
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