I don't even know myself what am I here for every time o try to find out who I am I just get further away from my #life that I have constructed from lies for I have no other way. I believe someday we will all wake up to the core reality and meet someone who sees the real us
Question everybody, no trust, no one in the same mind as you everything black nothing to love, nothing to feel warmth for I am lost but no one cares about that because I am that a minor difference that people exaggerate and poke at until it hurts. Until a lantern shines through the darkness revealing a mind in tune with mine but some how unaffected I ask how, on my knees for a relief of this curse, my pleads are heard but only answered in a broad smile.
I awake from my sleep of fairy tales to see the core of #life covered by my own blindness all the cries of the ones I have hurt rush through my mind I try to block them but all I hear is misery, I look up for help and only see one standing in solitude hand reaching out to me. But instead I plead for the help of those who's backs were turned, for my mind did not see the one who really saw my pain, the one that knew, understood, and accepted it.
Sienna Williamson
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