Blonde Moment #1 Yes I am a natural blonde and think and comment what you will... So my science class was making solar ovens and testing them outside. We set them up and I was looking for where the sun was in the sky. Unfortunately for me i didn't think about my word choice and turned to Ivy (@frizzleliz) and said.... "Is the sun up there?" While pointing towards the sky. Note to readers: This actually happened, I didn't make this up
My Best Friend Never forget me. I've known you for not too long, But we are now the best of friends. Whisper secrets, make up names. all of this is but a game. We never fail to have, Something crazy to speak of. Things like Lyons and meeps. But no matter the problem, We are here for each other. I luv u so much my bestie!
Tacos To eat a taco or not to eat a taco? The question of the century. It's my secret addiction, Worse than my cutting. It's what makes me fat, But they're so dang good. My mom says their full of cholesterol, What the hell is that? My dad says to make up my mind, That the world won't wait. For gods sake just wait a minute, This is not a peice of cake. So finally I made up my mind, Setting weight loss plans all aside. I grab a crispy taco shell, And start to eat a taco #weeklychallangefrizzleliz