The Old Lady Stand Of The bus today was awful it was packed so I was forced to the front, there were 3 old ladies sitting down behind glaring right at me the whole time. 2 of the ladies got of. That left the last monobrowed woman who gave me evil looks, baring in mind I had done nothing to my knowledge to upset or anger them. This woman stood up spat at me to press the bell I swung around and found myself stuck in a crowd right in front of her. It was the most evil stand off ever. It must of looked really funny, me staring into this old ladies soul and vice versa. She said can you emm MOVE (again showering me in spit. GaG!)! To which out of no where I replied NO I will not be ordered around! As I realized what I said I dashed of the bus 3 stops early in sheer shock of what it had become. I think after that I realized old ladies think they can get away with chatting away behind your backs blaintly staring at you and being generally rude. But yet they get the best bus and train seats, free bus fair and most of all they play the innocent old lady card if anyone stands up to them. Admittedly this is not all elderly women just a selected bitchy few who milk being old ,again i love my grandma she is lovely but some women like the ones on the bus!Grrrrr.....
Charalalambos Efthymiou
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