How To Begin?
Today I reminded myself during a generalised conversation how much of a perfectionist I can be. For most of my #life I've been a lover of stationery, notebooks etc but for more than half of that time I've found it difficult to begin using a new book, journal etc. In the case of physical books I think I am concerned I'll somehow ruin it if the pen I use seems wrong or I make a correction, or some other such mistake.
The same seems to go for new online blogs, I'll spend ages deciding on a title for the blog for instance (this has happened at my favourite forum when I procrastinated a title until I found one which resonated with me!) and when I got a Ravelry invite it took me ages to think of a username! When I found Opuss I rather surprised myself because I signed up immediately, but then could not bring myself to write anything.
Today's conversation prompted me to take the bull by the horns so to speak and just ramble away. I hope my future writings improve although I've yet to decide what kinds of things I'll post!
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