The way he makes me feel... My heart has been a flutter this past few days, since the chaos of the holiday season calmed back down. I think stopping posting on fb has helped, no more urgency to check for replies and it helps that *he* stopped updating too. It's like we only have each other to focus on and the attention he lavishes on me is amazing! Long distance is covered in an instant by technology. It's not the same as being in the flesh but the imagination and nifty use of language is really working here, thank you holidays! It can be like this always, and not long until we can be together more frequently!
Might Become A Passion I discovered Hoopnotica. It looks incredible when someone has their hoop spinning and it looks effortless, adding into the mix dancing, twirling over the head and generally looking sexy! I bought a hoop and have aquired copies of the DVDs which are wonderful, now all I have to do is practice. I want to move like that! It reminds me of another art I am attracted to: Belly dancing.. I've been dabbling with that too so now I've got two potential performance arts inspiring me to get moving. No holding back, I'm going to do this! I'll report back on how I get on <3
How To Begin? Today I reminded myself during a generalised conversation how much of a perfectionist I can be. For most of my #life I've been a lover of stationery, notebooks etc but for more than half of that time I've found it difficult to begin using a new book, journal etc. In the case of physical books I think I am concerned I'll somehow ruin it if the pen I use seems wrong or I make a correction, or some other such mistake. The same seems to go for new online blogs, I'll spend ages deciding on a title for the blog for instance (this has happened at my favourite forum when I procrastinated a title until I found one which resonated with me!) and when I got a Ravelry invite it took me ages to think of a username! When I found Opuss I rather surprised myself because I signed up immediately, but then could not bring myself to write anything. Today's conversation prompted me to take the bull by the horns so to speak and just ramble away. I hope my future writings improve although I've yet to decide what kinds of things I'll post!
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