Wednesday's Lament I feel a bit sorry for Wednesdays. It arrives in a storm of apathy and no one really notices it tippy-toeing away. Mondays .... universally hated without question Tuesdays .... not quite as hated as Mondays but still too far away from the weekend to be enjoyed. Thursdays .... or Friday eve as I call it. A day packed with cautious optimism, hope for the future. Where one's glass is definitely creeping towards being half full. Oh yeah and one more step towards.... Fridays. Everyone loves Fridays. It's quite simply the king of weekdays. Friday struts. And it makes strutting look cool. One day, I'm going to learn how to strut just like Friday. But Wednesday. Poor Wednesday. It's the plainest sister wearing the beigest jumper. It's the least talented brother standing between his other brothers fighting about whether it's best to be hated and feared or loved and worshipped. It's nothing more than a bridge that proves as far as weekdays are concerned there is definitely a greener meadow on the other side. Wednesday I pity you.