Aztec Adventure - Part 11 Sorry guys I won't be able to do any series of Vesta nor the 2ns episode of Aztec Adventure today as I'm very busy - but everything will go back to normal by tomorrow hopefully. Xx Jack went back the the wreckage to see Olivia. He had to apologise after yesterday's events. He immediately saw her and ran over to her. "Olivia, I can expla-" he suddenly stopped speaking. Olivia kissed him. "Don't worry about it." She whispered, smiling. "You came back, and that's what matters." They did some more jungle exploring together - this time holding hands. Olivia like that. So did Jack. They were both finally accepting that they were officially girlfriend and boyfriend. They found a fallen down tree, and sat on it. They talked for hours on end. Little did they know that this tree was a trap made by Joren to capture them. 2 hours in on the chat, and a huge net swung down. Olivia, thinking fast, shoved Jack away. Unfortunately, she got trapped. "OLIVIA!!!" Jack yelled, trying to rip open the netting. He was suddenly thrown backwards by an immense force. Electricity! He was amazed - but there was no time to admire the net. Olivia was being electrocuted! She finally fainted after screaming for a while. Then the net vanished, with Olivia too. Jack started to cry. He'd never find her now! His only friend, and girlfriend, in which he had so much in common with and loved to bits, was gone. She could be on the other side of the world by now. She was gone.
Titanic The ship sinks. People scream. My waters are cold, and I make them colder to make the puny humans numb from the freezing temperatures. Some are in #life boats. Some bobbing around on my surface. Some completely still. The still ones are welcomed in by a wave of mine. They are swept under by the force of the my rolling wave and are never seen again. The boat goes under. Cries for loved ones. Useless. My blanket of blue becomes a graveyard for those who lost their lives that night. I have won again. Humans 0, Sea 1.
Vesta - Part 4 I appreciated it that Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto were keeping me safe in their palace - but it was like a posh prison. I couldn't leave it, and I ached so bad to see the daylight. It had been 2 months since I'd been outside now. Friends and family could come and see me - but very rarely in case they were enemies disguised and were trying to kill me. The best thing was that Prance was allowed to stay with me. Soon, Pluto ran down to greet me, he looked worried. "Ma'am, if you'd like to follows me, please. We're being ambushed by the enemy. Grab the dog and let's go." I didn't hesitate. I grabbed Prance and ran for the exit. What did the enemy want from me? I squeezed Prance extra tight in my arms. "Everything will be ok, I promise." I whispered to him, gently stroking his ears. Out in the open, we ran as quick as we could. In doing this, I crashed into a young man. I apologised about 17 times, looked into his deep, thoughtful eyes for a short, sweet moment, and then started running again. It was short and sweet, but it was love at first sight. Love! Even just thinking of the word sends tingles down my spine. I decided that I was sure that I'd find him again some time in the future, even though I had no clue who he was or where he lived whatsoever. Suddenly, Pluto andI stopped dead. A huge monster stood in our pathway. It growled, and tried to slice us in half with its huge dagger. Shivers ran through me quicker than anything. We couldn't dodge the monster's blows forever. I knew that we were doomed
Aztec Adventure - Part 10 Jack felt miserable. He so badly wanted to meet those other humans and be with Olivia, but his father was looking for him. He could sense it. He had a feeling that he was going to be punished for being outside of the house at this time of day. It was 11pm! But bring punished didn't matter in this case. His dear Olivia was safe and sound with her family, and that's all that mattered. He cared for her and would do anything to protect her. Which was his weakness. He came back to the house, and put up with the yelling of his father. The only thing that his father said to him that he actually hear was, 'I forbid you from leaving this haunting you've learned your lesson.' Jack had begged and begged him to punish him in a different way - but his father knew it was the best punishment. He knew that by doing this, he could prevent Jack from seeing that pretty girl that he had slept next to the other night and the one that he had seen Jack kissing behind a tree earlier that day. Jack loved her, and he could use that against him now. Jack's father banished him to his room, and so he did. Whilst yelling at his dad. And stomping. That night, his father decided to plot a plan. He'd trap the girl in the forbidden chamber of the mansion, and then tell Jack that she was dead. Then he'd be upset and break down and cry, which would be the moment when his father would slit his neck. He'd be vulnerable. And plus, his father had never liked him. He was rebellious, and cheeky. All his father (Joren) wanted was an obedient little boy. Not the mess that he had now. Then, Joren would use the girl's powers to make himself stronger. The girl would be so weak, so he could kill her too. He'd be stronger and have no difficult child! Joren laughed an evil, wicked laugh. Disposing of Jack was going to be easier than he had thought it would be.
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