A Sonnet On Sex When we feel like shadows dancing Across murky walls of white, Whilst we're heavily romancing In the darkest hours of night... How does it feel for you Since I'm your object of desire? Is this a fantasy come true? Or for me a false fire? Don't shatter my ideal me, And I won't break the heart of thee.
The real friend is gone. It has been replaced by the clique. So have been hospitality by hostility and reception by rejection. Love is lost to lust. Poetry is replaced by ramblings on misogyny and fiscal carelessness. Education is replaced by institution. All of these happen as we age and enter society; all good and kind things are replaced by the harsh reality of societal #life. As we depart from innocence, these harsh ideas of societal #life become realities.
Born This Way I was born this way Somber and blue God makes no mistakes? That cannot be true Could you explain Why he made me like this? Why i feel so plain And full of loneliness? Why I cannot follow The traditions of man? Why I'm forced to swallow The drugs in the can? I thought there was nothing That he never saw But this excludes me Why not break the law? Why not tell a lie Or not go to church Or endlessly cry Or endlessly hurt? Does he want me to suffer? Was I born to survive? I can't much this world offer. But I don't care; I'm not alive
Stephanie Seaman
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