The Crystal Of Peace Part 1 I had to write a story for English at school so I thought I would put in on here and find out what you guys is a bit different from what I am writing at school. THE CRYSTAL Of PEACE HELP! I screamed. I better tell you how this all started well it was just a normal day I was out fishing in the river. The sun was beating down on me. Fish's diving in and out of the water. Flowers were blooming into #life. But something was not right something or someone was hiding in the shadows a dark figure was lurking on peace island. The figure jumped on one of the broken boats .bang! The boat sprang to #life edging closer to forgotten island. i didn't know what to do I froze.the figure reached a boney hand out from under his cloak and lifted the crystal.beep beep!an alarm sound from inside the last thing I saw was the figure sailing towards me. I would love to hear if you want more please leave a comment if you want
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