FTP :: Chapter One Chapter One White, icy flakes of snow drifted from the cloudy sky and landed in the dark hair of Lyric Hills and Vincent LeStrange. The two were sitting cross-legged in high grass, laughing. Vincent had his arm around Lyric's shoulder, sheltering her from the winter winds. "We should be getting back. The sun's going to go down soon and we won't be able to find our way back." said Vincent, his brown eyes contrasting against the thin layer of snow around the two. "Yeah." Lyric whispered, "we should. But that doesn't mean I will. You can go ahead, but I'm staying." Vincent blinked in defeat. Lyric was super stubborn. There was no working her. "Looks like I'm staying too." Vincent smiled and pulled the hood of his black jacket over his head. Lyric, shorter than him, looked up at him and grinned. Her hazel eyes were as bright as the sun it seemed. She blinked and turned away. Her jaw locked and a sudden wave of seriousness took on her face. "You know the king's reign is almost over." She bit her lip. "What about it?" asked Vincent. Lyric frowned and brushed hair from her forehead. "Don't you dare act innocent, Vince. You know exactly what I'm talking about." She rolled her eyes when her friend didn't respond. The petty innocence on Vincent's face gave clue that Lyric was to enlighten him. "He's your cousin." Understanding passed behind Vincent's eyes. He frowned and looked away from Lyric and into the horizon of thick trees. "Just because we're relatives doesn't mean I'm gonna inherit royalty." Lyric hissed and furrowed her eyebrows. "And what other young relatives who are good leaders does King Xavier have? Seriously Vincent." Her tone cracked, giving way to the true worry she was masking. "I don't want you to be king." "I'm not, Lyric. Xavier isn't going to take me up as king. The town just knows me as an average kid that hangs out with you all the time. They have no idea what kind of king I'd be like." He was still looking distantly at the trees. "I don't even know what kind of king I'd be like. It'd be foolish of Xavier to pick me, even if I am his cousin." Lyric stood up and brushed the snow off her knees. "Just promise me something," she said with her stern hazel glare. "One thing." Vincent looked at her, granting permission for her to continue. "If you're going to be king-" "I'm not." "But if you are, promise me you won't change. Promise we'll still be friends." Her eighteen-year-old friend smiled and nodded. He didn't need to think twice before answering. "I won't change, Lyric, and neither will our friendship." --- * this is unrevised, so excuse dullness & errors.