Shadows And All Wandered around walls, With fingers and all.. Wondering how it felt to touch, I tried to catch everything and much.. Through the barriers resistant, I heard a sound distant.. Though inconsistent, I followed my hearts insistence.. Itched my nose, A Smell of smoke.. I thought I was there, close.. To a recent fire that had broke.. Lit in the dark, My feelings began to lurk.. In the sights rayless, My shadows began to fall..
The Wanderlust Dairy #1 The worlds a stage, And we are all scripted on some page, Locked in a character, Muppets of the an unseen director, We all get to perform, Before our fossils finally form, Live by the will, Dump all the bills, Fly like a bird, And let your songs be heard, Dont be trapped in the maze, Shackled by the bricks n mortar cage..
Ignorance I walked that street with no name.. I trod along like none owned them.. Down my feet i couldn't see what was blooming, 'Coz over my head the weather seemed gloomy.. The thought with which my brain was laced, To my destiny i had raced.. I moved along, as ignorant i paced.. As if my feet were the almighty graced.. Down the alley, Lil' birds had rallied.. I had no clue, Why around me they'll flew.. They fluttered, searched for hope, It was beyond my birdbrained scope.. I heard my conscience say, As all the mystery before my eyes bare lay.. Someone had sown deeds so naive, And I was axing them before they could thrive..
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