Story Of A Haunted House Looking overhead at a dark,gloomy house,I slowly crept towards it. I was about to open the door when, BANG, the door shot open,fearfully I walked inside, the door slamming behind me. Making my way through the hall I heard noises,I went to investigate. It was the tele, buzzing loudly, I quickly turned it off. To my surprise it came back on (all by itself). I was about to dash out the front door when I smelt delicious food cooking on a stove however no one was in there so therefore I took the meal and sat at the table. As I was about to eat,I couldn't believe my eyes the chairs were being pulled in and out every 2 minutes. I quickly ate the food and dashed back Into the hall. CLANG CLANG CLANG,BANG BANG BANG, these noises were coming from upstairs like bells jiggling and boots banging. I tiptoed upstairs, creaking the floorboards as I went. I looked everywhere and there was no sign of anyone just a pile of washing that was getting washed by....... No one. I ran downstairs to see if anything had happened with the chairs. It had. They weren't just pulling in and out, they were getting thrown across the room, I dashed out to avoid injury. As I dashed for the door, BANG. I tried opening the door but nothing happened, I was trapped. Was I going to get out or was I trapped here FOREVER ........
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