Quite Moments with God Today I want to talk with you about your quite moments with our Lord. For me, it's so nice to wake up in the morning and have my bible reading time. It gives me the strength that I need to get through the day ahead of me. Reading The Word also helps me to remember on how much that The Lord loves me and will always do what's best for me whether I feel like it is or not. Another part of our alone time with The Lord that's a blessing to me, is really listening in my heart, and in His Word to see what he has for me for that day. He's always speaking to us even if it is through His Holy Word each day. We are always in His presence because we are The Lord's child, and that we are doing His will for our lives. Doing The Lord's will in our #life means that we truly love Him and that we will take whatever it takes to do what He's called us to do. The Lord will change our desires in #life to become His desires in our #life for us. However, we have to allow Him to make these changes in us in order for Him to use us like He will. Sometimes He has to put us through things to see if we really do trust and love Him in #life. When we do His will for us and not our own plan He'll bless us more than we're ever know! I understand a lot of us may not have a whole lot of time if any for quiet time for God since many of us have tons of responsibilities in #life. Try your best though to talk to Him throughout the day, and ask and praise Him for all He's done for you. When you start praising God in your #life, it will do wonders in your #life. Even when things aren't going your way, praise Him for the outcome of your situation by faith! For more information about our online church please visit http://www.championofchristchurch.com/ Have a blessed day! Reverend Brittany
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