Why is Jesus important to you? Why do you love Him so much, cause you want this or that from Him? Or is it cause He created you, and He's your Heavenly Father, who loves you so much that He sent His only son to die for you. Having a relationship with Jesus should be your living bread for #life. {John 6:35} You should never go a day without drinking from the fountain of #life. You can survive, but your not really living the #life that God wants you to live. This fountain of #life I'm talking about is the Word of God. When you read, and listen to the Word of God, and then doing what it says to be doing, that's when your living a #life for God. Even if you think you know the whole entire bible from right to left, you still need to be reading it to keep your faith level up, and each time you read the bible you learn something new or God speaks to your heart about something. You also read the Word because you do it out of love for your Father in Heavenly. Your desire for Him should become so deeply that you can't go a second without Him or His love for you.

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