It was night and Ella and Sam were the only people to take care of the house. Sam is 7 years old and Ella is 13. They were both upstairs in Sam's room.
Now; starting the story for real.
"Aww, Sam is sleeping so peacefully", Ella continued, "Unluckily for me, I didn't get to sleep like this when I was young like him".
The Ella heard a loud banging coming from downstairs. Ella had nothing to do but investigate; and keep Sam safe too.... Ella tried to wake up Sam but she couldn't. Ella just then thought of an idea. She sneakily took Mr. Cuddles away from his arms; making Sam jump up from his bed. And throwing the bear in Sam's 'secret hideout' (the cushions) and following Mr. Cuddles to in between the fluffy cushions and continued his snugly sleep. Now for Ella to continue investigating where the noise came from. Tiptoeing down the stairs, she only made a pin-drop of noise and continued tiptoeing to the living room, furnished just like a normal living room except for a bookcase of Ella's mother's books. Yes, the mother of the family was a famous author.
"Nothing here", Ella thought as she left the room and going into the kitchen despite the fact that someone dressed in completely black was following her. It just looked like Ella's shadow except the fact that their legs weren't synchronised as Ella's. In the kitchen, Ella noticed that she hadn't fed her dog. She really thought that was the racket ; the banging. She fed the dog, and as soon as she was about to leave the room but she was shocked to see what was behind her...
Wait for Part 2
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