Superhuman White walls surround me. I can feel my naked skin against the bitterly cold metal. My wrists are locked to the table I rest on, and thin sheet of paper covers my body. Turning to the side I saw him: Griffin. I remember watching him from the cell next to me. His skin is fair, but his face is hard. I tried talking to him earlier, but he wouldn’t respond. It is clear he was from the inner city. I can still vividly see the neon jumper that he wore before it was replaced with a pale gown. I have never been to a city or met a criminal before now. My parents always told me to stay away from the city. When I close my eyes I can still hear their voices warning me, “Never go into the city. No matter what the cost is.” On my left is another girl like me, but younger. Her dark hair cascades down her shoulders. A thin layer of glasses to help improve her vision shields her icy blue eyes. There are four of us. Another boy rests next to Griffin, I can tell for the sound of his heavy breathing. It’s the only unsteady noise in the room. I am scared too, but I don’t show it. “Is it ready?” somebody asks behind me, his voice is raspy. It has to be one of the government officials. “Yes sir, were about to inject it in their blood system. If the chemical should work, their eyes will turn blue.” “And if it doesn’t work?” “We will put them to sleep.” My body jumps as Griffin yells. He thrust his body around one the table attempting to free his body. It was like watching one of the horror movies when a demon entered a soul. He looks to me for the fist time. A chill runs up my spine, and my muscles grow stiff. A thin layer of facial hair traces the outlining of his sharp jaw. His eyes are light brown, and his skin is a shade lighter. Wavy brown hair frames his masculine face. His brows knit together after awhile. I have a feeling he knows what’s going on. A man dressed in white approached me first. His skin is nearly translucent, almost to the point that I can see every vein in his arms. He waves a thin syringe in front of my eyes. A blue, glowing liquid sloshes around it. He places it down on a mirror like plate, and attaches wires to my head. For a moment I feel like a robot, wires and metal enclose me. His hands slide into the silicone gloves, and snap against his skin as he releases them. I try to focus in on his face, but my eyes veer off towards the wall in hopes to relive the stress of the bright light he placed above me. His delicate fingers follow down the vein in my arms. “No! Don’t do it!” Griffin yells. I wish he hadn’t, because he was immediately silenced with a painkiller, causing him to fall asleep almost instantly. “What are you going to do to me?” I ask steadily. I won’t allow them to hear the terror that is rising inside me. “We’re just doing a few tests, that’s all.” A nurse replied at my side. “Why is he so worried then? If it’s just a few tests we should be fine, right?” Her eyes fill with a sudden guilty look. She is a horrible liar. “You’re going to have a little nap, okay?” her voice is sweet, but I try to see through it. “No, I want to know what’s going on!” “Hurry Doc.” Her nostrils flare in desperation. I clinch my fist together, and sweat forms in-between my fingers. I feel a prick in my skin, then everything begins to fade, begins to blur. I try fighting against it, but it is no use. The bright light suddenly fades into complete utter darkness. ~ “It didn’t work, the boy is already up. He has no sign of change.” A muffled voice spoke. My eyes open, but only slightly. It’s the scientist. His bright white coat blends into the glossy walls, causing his head to look like it’s floating. Maybe I’m still in a daze. “Well, do away with them. Put them to sleep.” The man replied. I quickly shut my eyes as if I had never woken. I felt another pain in my arm; they had injected the sleeping serum. In a few moments I will be dead. The others and Griffin were injected as well, and once the scientist left, I look to Griffin. I like watching him sleep, or in this case, slowly die. His face isn’t so hard. I close my eyes knowing he is the last person I will see on this earth. I sat there for hours, waiting to feel #life fade, but it never came. The door clicks shut, and men in black appear. They unlock my shackles, and release the others from is numbing grip. I force my body to stay limp, though want to stand on my own so desperately. Something rushes though my blood, like adrenaline, but more powerful. I suspect it’s the wearing off the sleeping serum. “Boss told me just to toss them in the alley. The beggars will try to loot them.” Said the man dragging me. I peer though a small slit in my eye, and see Griffin looking at me. Once we made eye contact, he closed his eyes. He’s alive. The other two are younger than Griffin and I, and I can’t tell if they made it, or if they’re faking it like us. A fowl smell rises from the floor as the smooth tile fades into concrete. A gust of cold wind ran against my skin. I still wore a thin, almost paper like fabric over by body. The rush of falling sweeps over me as the men toss us into the black night. The pavement met us with a thud. I fought against the urge to cry, but to be honest, it didn’t hurt as much as I expected. Once the door behind me clicks shut, I rise from the wet concrete and brush of the dirt that gathered into the cuts on my knees. A gasp came out from behind me. I swiftly turned to see the brown haired girl trying to lift her head. Her head is surrounded by a halo of blood, and her hands have been stripped raw from where she attempted to prevent the impact of colliding against the ground. I rushed to her side, “Are you okay?” I asked while grabbing her arm, and helping her to her feet. “Fine… What happened to us?” She asked, but before I could reply, a deep, yet smooth voice came from behind. It is Griffin. “They tried to create the perfect human. Somebody strong, intelligent, sly, and strong willed. Also, somebody who can’t think for themselves, so we could be controlled by the Government,” He said, “but they failed, or so they thought.” As he speaks, a glowing ring traces around his iris. “We can think for ourselves, and we aren’t always strong, But It times of true danger, or distress, we will become superhuman. We will become invincible.”
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