Return To Opuss
You may have noticed it's been a while,
Since an opuss was added to my pile....
It's not because I've been away,
Or lost the want to read and play.
No, it's due instead to that thing called #life...
Its up and downs, pain and strife.
A busy time at church began,
With nothing sticking to the plan.
Dissertation horror then did call...
23,148 words in all!
Fighting with the blasted bank,
In despair... my heart, it sank.
Job hunting, so frustrating!
All the stress and days of waiting.
Interviews that went so well...
Yet didn't quite break this luckless spell.
Flat viewing, a dreaded chore.
In fact I hate it to my core.
Brownies too are causing grief,
I won't divulge to keep this brief!
And a love #life of zilch and zip,
Has made it an even tougher trip.
But fear not, I'm still here and fighting strong,
Even if #life is going so very wrong!
Now though I'm missing Opuss beyond compare,
So I've made myself a promise rare...
To set aside some time that's just for me,
And resubmerge in this community....
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