The Lost World (Start at the summary) Chapter~10~ IS THIS THE END Leaving Al and Luke behind left us two people short. Also we had to consider that they were left with a dragon egg, but I had to push those thoughts away and continue to move forward. We were close to the bottom of the mountain by now. I could see The Field of Dreams. The Field of Dreams is know to put all that pass asleep. The fumes from the flowers cause you to pass out. We had finally reached the bottom of the mountain, at the edge of the field. There wasn't any way to cross. The only way would be walking through. "Hold your breath and pass through", I said. Everyone nodded. We got through easy. I could see the tower up ahead. "Just a little further and my goal will be accomplished", I thought. Thinking about all the reasons, the things I, WE had to go through. Just walking to the tower felt like ages. "Aron, what will happen when we reach the top of the World Tower?", asked Zoe. "I'm not sure", I replied. We walked on. That was the truth, I wasn't exactly sure what would happen. All I new was that we would find out something related to the past. It felt like ages as we walked towards the tower. I sighed. We walked and walked until I bumped into something. I felt around. The glass dome!!! Finally, we reached the city walls. "Everyone feel around for some kind of door.", I commanded. We spread out following the wall. I was feeling around when I felt a strange essence coming from my hand. It was Eli. It was glowing and flashing. Then it quickly transformed into a flat card. Zoe ran over followed by the others. I held the card up to the wall. It shot a beam of light and then I heard a faint clicking noise. I put my hand up against the wall and pushed. As the door opened I could see the city inside. Hidden for years in this glass dome. Amazing is all I could think. I stepped in the city walls it look as if it was in affected by the 200 years. I refocused on the task at hand and ran towards the WorldTower. I reached the bottom of the tower and looked up it was so glorious reaching past the sky to some where above. I took Eli out and placed it in a slot. The door opened. I took my first step. It was dark, cold, and had a long flight of stairs all the way to the top. I just darted up the stairs not stoping. Not look down just looking up. The stairs seemed to never end. They went on and on. No top, an endless flight of stairs. The tower seemed to get thinner as I got higher. Just enough room for someone to squeeze through. I came to a room, an large empty room. I took a step to the center a hologram turned on. It was a man. He started to speak,"Hello Zoe. If u are watching this I bet u are wondering what has happened. A technological experiment to make the world larger was an idea the I had thought of. I presented my idea to the head of science. But they rejected my idea. So I went on with it anyway. I was working alone in my lab to create serum. It was fine until..... A agent of science destroyed my work and in the process caused the world to grow ill and decay. I have not told u but the world was build by the head of science. We live on a giant piece of metal. Very few people know this and u are one of them. So I give u all of the answers to all of the questions in the world right here." I was stunned for a moment. Thinking how can I make this right. I looked around. I saw a key. I picked it up and placed it into a slot that said"key to the world" I slowly twisted the key waiting to see what would happen. A flash of light and then nothing but white. Then I saw Zoe and everyone else even people I didn't know. They waved and I waved back. Zoe smiled her eyes watering. I faintly smiled to her and mouthed "I will find you." Then things went black.
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